Friday 29 October 2010

Developing towards business cards and letterheads

I think I will stick with the original logo I developed, more can be done with it I think...

Thursday 28 October 2010

intro extro: coming to life

After developing this initial logo, I wanted to try and use the play on words further. I wanted to try and achieve the fact that extro was different, as if extro was almost more outgoing and striving to be different from intro, perhaps trying to grow away from intro. At the same time I also wanted to try and intend that intro was lagging behind or hiding away, in more ways than one: direction, shape and colour...

Wednesday 27 October 2010

intro extro

I came up with the name extrointro/introextro. Not sure which to go with, but I do think extrointro rolls off the tongue a little better. I came up with this name because I have been described as an extrovert in certain aspects of my life, but at the same time I have been described to have the tendencies and traits of an introvert. I like that they are two traits that contradict each other, both can be good traits to have, depending on what aspect of life they are being applied to. I also thought that this play on words could be fun to play about with...

I found this lovely font, which fitted my mood at the time and which I thought would be nice to use with the ideas that were in my head. Initially I played around with the font, which was fun because it is a font that allot can be done with. Then I was thinking that an extrovert is a person who thrives of social activity and who's character gets bigger in those surroundings, so I immediately thought of the 'extro' getting gradually bigger and the 'intro' getting gradually smaller.  

When I had completed the 4 alternative logos I looked at the shape they took and realised that they could be played about with to make patterns.

Some cool patterns were made, so many more can be made, the possibilities are endless. Im really enjoying this logo and I haven't even used colours yet.


Really cool posters for Llyods TSB. Very clever, just simple shapes and text produce a very effective outcome.

Some Nice Type

Some really nice type i found in various pieces of work.

This just works perfectly to stand alone, because the font is so nice. Its simple. The 3 circular shapes in the eeo are broken up perfectly with the K, when this font is used, and the way all the letters are spaced so close together creates an overall, simple lovely logo.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Skyhook Design

The name Skyhook for me, comes from a music producer from Belfast. He has 3 techno tracks under the alias Skyhook (1,2,3) I love that he's from Belfast and I love his music. I initially tried a few different fonts but resulted back to good old Helvetica, to which the possibilities and variations are endless. The final logo is quite simple, which I like. I think with just the basic outline of the word Skyhook, it becomes quite a memorable logo, especially when the word Skyhook already catches attention. I played about with different colour variations. I wanted something that immediately jumped out and grabbed your attention. The black and yellow does that.

With the business cards and letterheads, I wanted to keep them simple. All the attention was already being grabbed by the simplistic Skyhook logo and eye-catching yellow and black. Again I used helvetica for the text, and I used different variations with the yellow and black. The colours are loud but are calmed down with the simplicity of the Design.  

The Cube

A trip to the Cube, Manchester, for an Alan Fletcher: Fifty years of Graphic Work. Some really amazing work. The way typography is used especially, inspires me.

Nice Type and Identity Research