Monday 15 November 2010

This is the work of Stewart Linton, a D&AD first prize winer. Really like the way he has used everyday elements to represent the trade mark Fred Perry stripes. The message is well conveyed and immediately understood. The colours that he has chosen to photograph can definitely be expected to be seen on Fred Perry apparel. From Stewart's work, it gives my Ideas to photograph interesting shapes and combine them together to accomplish the Fred Perry logo.
This is the work of Ben Llyod, another D&AD candidate. Its ok, it doesn't really jump out and grab my attention. Still work to reference and draw inspiration from in what direction I would like to take my advertisement.
Quite like this, two images that convey a message of what trend and Image Fred Perry represent.

This is the work of Jon Martin, another D&AD winner. The first image is amazing, so much power of the brand is conveyed through it. The way he uses one font in different ways in the rest of the work is really nice.  

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